Matthew Ritchie was born in London, England in 1964, and lives and works in New York. His artistic mission has been an attempt to represent the entire universe and the structures of knowledge and belief that we use to understand and visualize it. Although often described as a painter, Ritchie creates works on paper, prints, light-box drawings, floor-to-wall installations, freestanding sculpture, web sites, and short stories which tie his sprawling works together into a narrative structure. Drawing is central to his work. He scans his drawings into the computer so that images can be blown up, taken apart, made smaller or three-dimensional, re-shaped, transformed into digital games, or given to someone else to execute. One ongoing work that Ritchie calls an endless drawing contains everything he has drawn before.
Hans arbejde er vildt spændende. Måden hvorpå de ting, han laver, udfolder sig på, ser helt fantastisk ud.
SvarSletret vildt.
SvarSletDet er noget af en floor-to-wall installations, synes den er vildt flot og fanger blikket, spændende væg dekoration. Kunne være vildt flot i en café med store lokaler. Meget inspirerende.
SvarSletJeg synes det er rigtig fedt hvordan det overstående billede suger en ind og opsluger en fuldstændig. Jeg kan godt lide at det er så voldsomt at se på.