lørdag den 31. oktober 2009

Arturo Herrera

Arturo Herrera was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1959, and lives and works in New York and Berlin, Germany. Herrera’s work includes collage, work on paper, sculpture, relief, wall painting, photography, and felt wall hangings. His work taps into the viewer’s unconscious, often intertwining fragments of cartoon characters with abstract shapes and partially obscured images that evoke memory and recollection. Using techniques of fragmentation, splicing, and re-contextualization, Herrera’s work is provocative and open-ended. For his collages he uses found images from cartoons, coloring books, and fairy tales, combining fragments of Disney-like characters with violent and sexual imagery to make work that borders between figuration and abstraction and subverts the innocence of cartoon referents with a darker psychology. In his felt works, he cuts shapes from a piece of fabric and pins the fabric to the wall so that it hangs like a tangled form resembling the drips and splatters of a Jackson Pollock painting. Herrera’s wall paintings also meld recognizable imagery with abstraction, but on an environmental scale that he compares to the qualities of dance and music.

Mark Bradford

Mark Bradford was born in Los Angeles, California in 1961. Bradford transforms materials scavenged from the street into wall-sized collages and installations that respond to the impromptu networks—underground economies, migrant communities, or popular appropriation of abandoned public space—that emerge within a city. Drawing from the diverse cultural and geographic makeup of his southern Californian community, Bradford’s work is as informed by his personal background as a third- generation merchant there as it is by the tradition of abstract painting developed worldwide in the 20th Century. Bradford’s videos and map-like, multilayered paper collages refer not only to the organization of streets and buildings in downtown Los Angeles, but also to images of crowds, ranging from civil rights demonstrations of the 1960s to contemporary protests concerning immigration issues.

Via art21:http://www.pbs.org/art21/artists/bradford/index.html#

Matthew Ritchie

Matthew Ritchie was born in London, England in 1964, and lives and works in New York. His artistic mission has been an attempt to represent the entire universe and the structures of knowledge and belief that we use to understand and visualize it. Although often described as a painter, Ritchie creates works on paper, prints, light-box drawings, floor-to-wall installations, freestanding sculpture, web sites, and short stories which tie his sprawling works together into a narrative structure. Drawing is central to his work. He scans his drawings into the computer so that images can be blown up, taken apart, made smaller or three-dimensional, re-shaped, transformed into digital games, or given to someone else to execute. One ongoing work that Ritchie calls an endless drawing contains everything he has drawn before.


fredag den 30. oktober 2009

Dead mans last shirt

Klaus Thejll Jakobsen,2006
pap,lim,vandfarve på papir

inde i Prada posen er der en Prada bluse (tegning monteret på pvc)

mandag den 26. oktober 2009

haloween paint/light

stopmotion fra Designskolen i Kolding

stopmotionfilm lavet af elever på designskolen i Kolding

onsdag den 21. oktober 2009

Mosaiktegning, resumé:

Hovedmotiv: EN FØDSEL (foto)
Hvem finder det rette foto i sort/hvid?

Mosaiktegninger :
Vi skal ialt bruge ca. 540 tegninger med motiver af robotter, kunstige menneskedele, proteser, ..kort sagt alt vedr. det kunstige menneske.
Robotmotiverne tegnes/males med sort/hvid/blyant/tush på skitseblokkene A5
(18,5 x 14,75 cm)

Japansk robot tilbereder sushi, se mere på http://beep.tv2.dk/bytags.php/tags-robotter.html


tirsdag den 20. oktober 2009

Maleri af BGK-elev Asger Dybvad Larsen

mandag den 19. oktober 2009

The Sartorialist

The Sartorialist startede i 2005 som en blog hvor en tidligere salg- og marketingsmedarbejder i modeindustrien lagde fotos ud af mennesker som han fotograferede på gaden i New York. I dag fire år efter er bloggen af Time Magazine blevet kåret som en af 100 mest indflydelsesrige kilder i modeverdenen.

tænk på et tal

tegning af bgk-elev Louise Kongsted


Elevarbejde af BGK-elev Anna Lervig

tirsdag den 6. oktober 2009

mandag den 5. oktober 2009

vægmaleri med spritmarker

se flere værker af Charlotte Mann:

Portræt af indpakningstape

portræt lavet af indpakningstape af billedkunstneren Mark Khaisman

fredag den 2. oktober 2009

Pearl C Hsiung

Pearl C Hsiung
se flere malerier og video på

Ali Smith

Ali Smith
Envy, 2009, 60 x 55 inches, oil on canvas.
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Malerier af Barry McGee
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