fredag den 28. august 2009

Papfar på BGK

Papfar aka Søren Behncke kommer til BGK på onsdag d. 2 sept. kl.15.45 og fortæller om egne værker. Papfar åbner udstilling på gallerie Charlotte Fogh i aften.

Søren Behncke alias papfar (1967) works with cardboard - painting, -sculpture, -installation, -action and -streetart.
Søren Behncke has within few years won great appreciation as an original artist taking streetart into new dimensions. Working with cardboard and objects found in the streets, the artist transforms the images and left overs from the popular culture into paintings, sculptures and streetactions.
The street actions take place in public spaces like city squares, monuments and art museums. The most famous action took place at Aros - Aarhus Kunstmuseum in 2005, when the artist had a huge cardboard-catapult smuggled in, and then gave it to "Boy", the famous sculpture of Ron Mueck, or when the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen got an enormous cardboard-hacksaw in 2006. Søren Behncke is represented at galleries and international art fairs.

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2 kommentarer:

  1. Hvis man har lyst, kan et interview med Papfar fra DR2s Den 11. Time ses her:
    Det er program 60, og det er et kig værd.

    Jeg glæder mig til onsdag!

  2. Når jeg havde kigget på Papfars ting, på nettet, var det fedt at have Papfar (Søren Behncke) på besøg, som kunne fortælle lidt om, hvordan han arbejdede, så man bedre kunne forstå hans værker, fra hans side af. Det gav noget mere indhold i værkerne, synes jeg
