søndag den 30. august 2009

Indisk udgave af Thriller

lørdag den 29. august 2009

fredag den 28. august 2009

Papfar på BGK

Papfar aka Søren Behncke kommer til BGK på onsdag d. 2 sept. kl.15.45 og fortæller om egne værker. Papfar åbner udstilling på gallerie Charlotte Fogh i aften.

Søren Behncke alias papfar (1967) works with cardboard - painting, -sculpture, -installation, -action and -streetart.
Søren Behncke has within few years won great appreciation as an original artist taking streetart into new dimensions. Working with cardboard and objects found in the streets, the artist transforms the images and left overs from the popular culture into paintings, sculptures and streetactions.
The street actions take place in public spaces like city squares, monuments and art museums. The most famous action took place at Aros - Aarhus Kunstmuseum in 2005, when the artist had a huge cardboard-catapult smuggled in, and then gave it to "Boy", the famous sculpture of Ron Mueck, or when the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen got an enormous cardboard-hacksaw in 2006. Søren Behncke is represented at galleries and international art fairs.

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Nephew og Papfar

Søren Behncke alias Papfar er gæstelærer på BGK på onsdag hvor han fortæller om egne værker

Her en video Papfar har lavet med musik af Nephew fra 2009

onsdag den 26. august 2009


SWOON is a street artist from New York City who specializes in life-size wheatpaste prints and paper cutouts of figures. Swoon studied painting at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and started doing street art around 1999

Obama's logo

Kreativ direktør Sol Sender fortæller historien om konceptet og skabelsen af Obama's logo. Samt strategien bag det.

logo design

What is the process of creating a logo for someone like? software free from blender.org

tirsdag den 25. august 2009

Ruined Nation

Ruined Nation
er en serie fotografier af Carissa Russel der dokumenterer urbant forfald i Ohio USA.
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spending time with poster boy

Poster Boy's eneste værktøj er en hobby kniv

søndag den 23. august 2009

white magic

Video for the track 'White Magic', made using sounds recorded from the film 'The Sword In The Stone'

Introdag på Talentcentret

BGK er en del af talentcentret NTC. Og med sammenlagt 100 elever på NTC, bliver det hurtigt lidt af et mega-træf, når talentcentret indbyder til introarrangement for nye og gamle elever. Se billeder fra dagen på link nedenfor. Der er desværre ikke nogen billeder fra den efterfølgende fest. Men stemningen til den afsluttende fest var høj. Og "drengene" fra MGK havde virkeligt gjort et superarbejde for at alle kunne få en fed oplevelse.

lørdag den 22. august 2009

torsdag den 20. august 2009

Stencil Masters Logan Hicks

Stencil masters Logan Hicks, Sixten, Galo, and others blazed a wall next to Sportie LA , a really famous sneaker store in Los Angeles, during a party thrown by K-swiss.

Hvordan laver man stencil´s på en t-shirt

Learn how to spray paint your own shirts. Save money and design your own, unique t-shirt. The infamous "Spray Can" Michelangelo gives you an intense lesson with stencils and old T-shirts. Do try this at home!

EBN Emergency Broadcast Network

famous video/music artists from the 90ies

mandag den 17. august 2009

NTC introarrangement

NTC/ Nordvestjysk TalentCenter afholder i år fælles introarrangement for alle de fire kunstneriske grundkurser der er tilknyttet NTC. Det foregår i Prismesalen/Musikteatret

søndag den 16. august 2009

kulturfestival mørket

BGK deltager i Kulturkaravanen Mørket under Kulturfestival Mørket til oktober. BGK deltager som en rullende workshop under ledelse af billedkunstneren Sophie Hjerl. Karavanen besøger 7 byer i det vestjyske med under 1000 indbyggere hver.
Til BGK eleverne:
Under workshoppen får i lejlighed til at prøve jeres kræfter af i praksis. I får bl.a. lejlighed til at skabe værker der bruges direkte. Og i får mulighed for at formidle og vejlede om kunst. Endelig får i mulighed for at møde andre kunstneriske genrer . Og så bliver det helt sikkert også rigtigt skægt.

lørdag den 15. august 2009

The worlds most stupid tatoos


Interaction by Barsky
Barsky is the collaboration between Klisterpete and Akay from Stockholm,Sweden

Everytime something is done on the street there is a level of interaction involved. Maybe its not the interaction we hoped for or expected, but every project is an invitation to respond. Even if the response is someone taking down what has been offered up.

This ongoing project has been surprising to watch continue. To see how different people come and make it their own, which is the most you could hope for with projects in public spaces.
Its a simple idea: form simple texts from simple materials, in this case white boards arranged in an easily accesable space that can be seen from anyone walking over a bridge.

People come down to change the message. In some magical moments the message becomes a dialogue, a political debate, a declaration of love. We’re not really sure what it was that got the conversation started. But maybe it helps to begin with an apology


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fredag den 14. august 2009

Luncheon Meats

Luncheon Meats 2009 af Jakob Graversen

Jakob er i 2009 blevet optaget på Jyske Kunstakademi


Wave Machines - I Go I Go I Go from Alasdair Brotherston on Vimeo.

The Fringe Projects

The Fringe Projects

Front cover for Copenhagen music magazine, Soundvenue (special edition)

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The Hyéres Festival (fashion, art and design)

Discover the atmosphere of the Hyères Festival
through the lens of A Shaded View, Diane Pernet's team.

onsdag den 12. august 2009

BGK skoleudstilling 2009

se flere billeder her:

Friday, august 28 is there the world premiere on the film Georgia O’Keeffe
starring Joan Allen, Jeremy Irons, Tyne Daly, and Ed Begley, Jr.
Georgia O'Keeffe - a Sony Lifetime film exploring the 20-year relationship between O'Keeffe (Joan Allen, above) and husband, legendary photographer Alfred Stieglitz (Jeremy Irons) - and the emotional struggle that helped pave O'Keeffe's road westward. Film also features Tyne Daly and Ed Begley, Jr.

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tirsdag den 11. august 2009


Pravdoliub Ivanov
lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria

Wall intervention, acrylic paint,
dimentions variable

Jonas Wood Rosy's Masks

"Jonas Wood’s paintings of contemporary American life blur the boundaries of figuration and abstraction. In Rosy’s Masks, an interior scene dissembles into a myriad of shapes, colours, and geometric patterns, their quiet formal tension setting the tone for Wood’s suburban subject matter. Using the domestic as a departure point for escapism, the claustrophobic composition expands into the internal space of daydream, with the muddied tv screen and stylised furnishings set like stage props against a backdrop of hallucinogenic jungly wallpaper. Giving nod to historical precedent, the masks and tabular design evoke connotation to Picasso’s primitivism and surrealism."

Via Saatchi-Gallery

mandag den 10. august 2009

notesblok med ekstra dimension

Notesblok af det Hollandske designfirma Trapped in Suburbia

"We wanted to get our clients moving behind their desk, so we've made up this notebook with on one side space to write and on the other side ball patterns. Just crumble up an piece of paper an you can play soccer, or rugby, or throw a tennis ball in your waste basket.
We've won a bronze medal for 'printed self promotion' in 2007 European Design Awards for this design."

via Trapped in suburbia

Mind shut down

Subodh Gupta

Mind shut down, 2008
Stainless steel and old utensils
240 x 150 x 205 cm / 94 1/2 x 59 x 80 3/4 in
Installation view, Frieze Art Fair, London, 2008

Invitation til artisttalk på BGK og fernisering på ET4U i Nees

Bridge House

Max Pritchard Architect
Bridge House - 2008

"An idyllic site of winter creek, billabong, large river red gums, dense wattles and rocky banks called for a house that would "touch the earth lightly". The solution, a narrow bridge like structure spanning the creek providing the experience of living amongst the trees in an almost untouched beautiful setting."

"Winter sun through the north facing windows heats the black concrete floor for reradiaiton at night. A wood combustion heater supplements the natural passive heating. Double glazing to the living area helps retain the heat. Perforated steel louvres shade the north windows in summer. The narrow plan form allows cross ventilation and is combined with ceiling fans to provide sufficient cooling for summer comfort. Solar hot water heating and photovoltaic cells positioned on the garage roof compliment the sustainable character of the house.".



Designed by Michael Ubbesen Jakobsen

The BauBike is inspired by Bauhaus design.
It is constructed around the geometric shape of the square and the equilateral triangle. The design is stripped down to clean lines and raw material.
The design follows a set of formal rules, limiting the geometry to straight lines in a pattern of 60 and 90 degree angles in proportions following the principle of the golden section.

By limiting the form with a fixed set of design rules and stepping away from the traditional function-oriented approach to the design process, this project transcends the border between design and art, raising fundamental questions about the nature of the bike as design and as a lifestyle accessory and introducing a much needed playfulness on the bicycle scene.
The BauBike is a bike for the modern urban society where adaptability is a necessity.


Royal Silver Golf Tour

En sælsom golftur; video lavet af BGK-elev Jens Ardal. Jens er i 2009 blevet optaget på Oslo Kunstakademi

Premium Trash

Video af BGK-elev Morten Kromann. Morten er i 2009 blevet optaget på Jyske Kunstakademi


Bang-Yao Liu:
"This is my senior project at Savannah College of Art and Design. Where my idea comes from is that every time when I am busy, I feel that I am not fighting with my works, I am fighting with those post-it notes and deadline. I manipulating the post-it notes to do pixel-like stop motion and there are some interactions between real actor and post-its".

Directed by Bang-yao Liu
Music by Röyksopp (http://royksopp.com)

Walk barefoot - wear fivefingers

by industrial designer Robert Fliri for Vibram.

via Lost At E Minor

Maniac Outbreak

The Austrian artist duo Ubermorgen.com

In March 2002, ubermorgens Hans Bernhard experienced a manic outbreak in South Africa. He was airlifted to Austria - General Hospital Vienna. Two and a half years later, UBERMORGEN found video footage of his stay at the Mental hospital. They decide to release the material unedited.


søndag den 9. august 2009

Mud Stencils

How to do a mud stencil

Materials: Mylar, X-Acto knife, tape, mud, sponge.
1.) Design your stencil. Draw your stencil the size you want it, or design it on a computer and print it. Make sure you do not have islands (parts of an image that will fall out if you cut around them, like the middle of an O.) If you are using text, use a stencil font. If are using a computer print your design the size you want the stencil to be. If it is larger then 8X10 cut it apart in photo shop and print it in pieces, or enlarge it at a local copy store.

2.) Cut it. Tape your design behind or in front of the transparent Mylar. Mylar is the same stuff used as transparencies for projectors, you can find a roll of it at art stores. Use the X-Acto knife to cut your design out of the Mylar.

3.) Get Mud. Find or make some mud. I mixed soil and water then beat it with a whisk. Make sure your mud is not watery. It should be about the same consistency as peanut butter.

4.) Post it. Tape the stencil to whatever you want it on, it works on sidewalks or walls. If parts of the Mylar roll up put some tape under it. Then use the sponge to dab the mud on your stencil. Do not press too hard because if you squeeze muddy water out of the sponge it may sneak under the stencil.

5.) Enjoy. Remove the tape on the outside of the stencil. Carefully remove the Mylar, and enjoy your non-toxic mud stencil.

Via Mud Stencils:

Hibi no Neiro

This music video was shot for Sour's 'Hibi no Neiro' (Tone of everyday) from their first mini album 'Water Flavor EP'. The cast were selected from the actual Sour fan base, from many countries arou...

Out of space

waffle Bike - Tom Sachs

Waffle Bike is a fully weaponized waffle making device complete with call to prayer public address system. Film by Tom Sachs & Neistat Brothers. Editing by Brett Jutkiewicz.

Yaoi Kusama

555 KUBIK facade projection from urbanscreen on Vimeo.

"How it would be, if a house was dreaming"

The conception of this project consistently derives from its underlying architecture - the theoretic conception and visual pattern of the Hamburg Kunsthalle. The Basic idea of narration was to dissolve and break through the strict architecture of O. M. Ungers "Galerie der Gegenwart". Resultant permeabilty of the solid facade uncovers different interpretations of conception, geometry and aesthetics expressed through graphics and movement. A situation of reflexivity evolves - describing the constitution and spacious perception of this location by means of the building itself.

Uge 1

Onsdag 6 januar
nedtagning af udstilling på jens og Olivia Holm møllermuseet kl.15-16

lørdag den 8. august 2009

Kontakt BGK-Holstebro

Kontaktinformation BGK-Holstebro:

Afdelingsleder Søren Taaning