tirsdag den 23. marts 2010


What started out a decade ago as a ragtag bunch of 25 artists in rural North Carolina is now one of the hottest group exhibitions in the Chelsea gallery district. This spring, Joshua Liner Gallery has tapped the global Barnstormers collective to bring its dizzying brand of murals — or “motion paintings” — to the largest show the venue has ever organized. With their numbers swelling to 35 (including appearances by Swoon, Doze Green, ROSTARR, Ryan McGinness, and founder David Ellis), the Barnstormers use image, sound, materials, and technology to connect with contemporary culture.

Via Flavorwire.com:

4 kommentarer:

  1. Det laver nogle ret fede ting, kan godt lide mønstrene i det, og de mange farver

  2. Wow, det er slet ikke til at stå for!

  3. Jeg kan rigtig godt li' at det er så massivt i forhold til andet streetart. Får det til at se helt vildt spacy og overvældende ud. Og alle farverne - Wow!
